Tuesday, January 25, 2011

New Beginnings

Welcome to my blog. 

Who am I?  I'm Meghan, a native Texan who recently back to Houston after spending 7.5 years in New York City.  The title for my blog--Howdy Y'all--is an ode to my Texas roots.  The content for my blog, however, is the amalgamation of everything I've seen, heard and done during my life.  Consider it a little bit country, a little bit city, a lot me.  Mostly, it's a forum for me to dispense information and opinions on a number of topics including food, fashion, culture, travel and interior design and to exercise my creative juices as a writer and an editor.

I appreciate you spending some of your valuable time reading what I have to write.  Oh let's be honest--you're reading this at work while you procrastinate doing the work you're really supposed to do!  In any case, please sit back, relax and enjoy the show (and comment whenever possible!)